Wheatstone came home with three
Best of Show awards


Complete AoIP Broadcast Ecosystems

Audio mixing consoles/surfaces. IP routing and control. Audio processors. Digital editing tools.

Wheatstone's products and studio systems are designed and built specifically for the demands of broadcasting. They cover a range from smaller single-station studios to large multi-studio, multi-station complexes with a million cross-points and dozens of mixers, talent stations, and elements connected across a region. Broadcast grade AoIP software, devices, consoles, talent stations, and appliances, all engineered, manufactured and supported by your number one industry partner.


Extreme Studio Makeover

If you think changing the tires on your car while driving down the freeway is impossible, try building new studios in place.

It’s never cut and dried, especially if the build is for Chicago’s 24-hour NPR news/talk station and the place happens to be on Navy Pier on what is essentially a floating barge at the edge of Chicago.

The biggest challenge besides getting all the equipment and construction materials into the space was ‘what must we do to stay on the air?’” said Stephen Wright, Vice President of Technology and Operations for Chicago Public Media.



Diversity and inclusion, now there’s a conversation we never thought we’d have at an NAB show.

Every NAB is a turning point of sorts, but this year we happened to turn the corner on two very different studio trends: virtualization and thin technology (hence, our Best of Show awards). Our new DML digital consoles are uber-thin, yes, but not exactly the poster child for virtualization. That distinction is reserved for our Wheatstone Layers® Software Suite running on a local server or cloud.

Imagine it then: a completely virtualized FM air chain with streaming, processing and MPX over IP running on AWS in one booth display and just a few steps away, a fully self-contained digital console as thin as most laptops.

If you spent any time in our booth, it was hard to miss the obvious.



Shown above is Inrush’s Shaun Dolan pushing buttons on the SS-8, a scriptable button panel added to WBEZ’s LXE console surfaces to provide intercom and other functions unique to their operations. With this, anchors can page through options to talk to callers, reporters, guests and hosts in other studios.



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Mix, route and trigger elements, functions or events anywhere on any device. 

Home or studio. Phone or console surface. Single location or multiple locations. WheatNet-IP touches everything.

Simplify your operation. 

WheatNet-IP is the only AoIP combining logic control with routable audio tools such as utility mixers, audio processing, streaming encoders and embedded CPU as part of the AoIP native environment.

Eliminate racks and rooms of hardware. 

Everything from mic processing to streaming appliances and automation integration is in one native AoIP environment.

Combine regional studios in one AoIP environment

Opus and AAC codecs as part of the AoIP let you share studio resources and talent across a WAN. AES67 compliance and NMOS support give you access outside the network.

Easy setup. 

Unbox and let WheatNet-IP Blades do the rest. Each Blade is self-aware and self-configuring. No IP addressing required. Save your engineering resources for more important tasks.

Your Studio. Your Way. 

Console surfaces, talent stations and unlimited virtual interfaces to choose from. Customize your AoIP system for your studios now, and add on appliances, elements, and virtualization later.

No Studio Too Small. No Studio Too Big.

AoIP Expand

Go from analog to AoIP in a snap. IP audio networking and mixing console in one, Ethernet switch included. Just add CAT6 cable (actually, we include that too...)

AoIP Expand

Complete IP audio networked studios, from initial planning and custom manufacturing to final commissioning and everything in between. 

AoIP Expand

AoIP anywhere, anytime, any device. Just plug in and you're good to go. Local, regional or global. Tablet, phone or existing mixing desk. 

AoIP Expand

Connect regional operations or add virtual studios at any time, anywhere. Practically unlimited user interfaces, configurations, and third-party add-ons. 

View the WheatNet-IP AoIP Ecosystem Diagram

What Can Wheatstone Do For You?


Total Remote Access

Wheatstone has software and hardware solutions that allow you remote access and control over everything and everyone in your system from anywhere. 


Virtual Tools

WheatNet-IP offers a full set of virtual control, processing, and communication tools with which you can tailor your workflow. 


Engineering Services

When planning your studio, your Wheatstone Sales Engineer can help you plot it all out to the smallest detail. 


Build Your System

While we source parts from around the world, everything we make is built in our US factory in the town where we live, and parts for almost everything we’ve ever built are readily available.

Join the Wheatstone Network

Manufacturing, engineering and end-to-end studio support backed by the industry's leading AoIP supplier in the broadcast industry with thousands of studios in operation around the globe.

Did we mention Emmy-award-winning? In 2020, Wheatstone won an Emmy for “development of synchronized multichannel uncompressed audio transport over IP networks" which led to the implementation of the AES67 standard.

Contact us at [email protected]


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